A step by step run through of how the TCAP operates
The Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP), developed by Tech Against Terrorism launched in November 2020 with support from Public Safety Canada
Tech Against Terrorism is an initiative launched and supported by the United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED) working with the global tech industry to tackle terrorist use of the internet whilst respecting human rights. Our plan of action revolves around three pillars: outreach, knowledge-sharing, and practical support.
Launched in November 2020 by Tech Against Terrorism with support from Public Safety Canada, the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) seeks to disrupt terrorist use of the internet by facilitating the quick and accurate removal of terrorist content. It does this by alerting terrorist content to tech companies when found on their platforms.
Our team of in-house open-source intelligence analysts track terrorist migration across a variety of tech platforms and flag URLs containing terrorist content to the TCAP.
Content collection is grounded in the rule of law and our transparency-by-design approach, as all submitted content is thoroughly analysed to ensure it meets the threshold of verified terrorist content, as set out in our Inclusion Policy and Content Classification and Verification Policy. The TCAP send alerts to a large ecosystem of tech platforms about terrorist content found on their sites and continuously checks the status of URLs to determine when content is removed.
In doing so, the TCAP helps content moderation on smaller platforms, assisting them in making better content moderation decisions and augmenting efforts to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to detect terrorist content at scale. Based on the content we collect, the TCAP is assembling the world's largest database of verified terrorist content collected in real-time from verified terrorist channels on messaging platforms and apps. This content archive can be used by verified academics and researchers to guide empirical counterterrorism research which will contribute to evolving literature and policy decision.