April 2017

TAT Launches

Tech Against Terrorism launches with support from the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED).

TATs mission is to work with the global tech industry to tackle terrorist use of the internet whilst respecting human rights.

September 2018

Phase 1 TCAP Proposal

Tech Against Terrorism develop the first proposal for Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP). A platform designed to support content moderation of smaller tech platforms.

December 2019

Public Safety Canada

Public Safety Canada agrees to support the first phase of TCAP development.

November 2020

TCAP Phase 1 Launch

TCAP launches, automating the detection and analysis of verified terrorist content on smaller internet platforms. The TCAP begins alerting registered tech companies to verified terrorist content on their platforms

July 2021

Statistics update

By July 2021 the TCAP had identified and verified over 10,000 URLs containing terrorist content and sent over 7,000 alerts to over 40 tech platforms.

September 2021

TCAP Phase 2 proposal

The Tech Against Terrorism team develops a phase 2 TCAP proposal, aiming to: • Increase and expand alerting capabilities • Build a user friendly archive containing TCAP data and associated hashes. The archive is to be used by verified academics for research purposes. • Develop automated content moderation tools to support smaller tech platforms in making quicker and automated moderation decisions

October 2021

Statistics update

As of October 2021, the TCAP has identified and verified over 16,000 URLs containing terrorist content and shared over 10,000 alerts to over 60 tech companies.



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