Announcement: The TCAP's Crisis Protocol

We are delighted to announce the publication of our Crisis Protocol

To uphold our transparency-by-design approach, we have published our Crisis Protocol which details our workflow response in the event of a crisis incident. The Crisis Protocol details three separate sections:

  • Pre-incident – what we do when we encounter a potential threat-to-life
  • During incident – what we do in an active crisis event
  • Post-incident – how we respond to crisis events after an event has occurred

Data collection for the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) requires a wide-range of open-source intelligence (OSINT) across a variety of tech platforms. This data collection is targeted towards areas where terrorist and violent extremists spread propaganda, communicate, and recruit. Throughout our investigations, there is a possibility of finding data which gives information about an ongoing, future, or past attack.

As such, we have developed a Crisis Protocol when creating the TCAP. While we have aided by this policy since the launch of the TCAP, we have made the decision to make this policy publicly available to ensure we are transparent to stakeholders.

Our Crisis Protocol aims to be flexible to ensure that we can handle critical incidents in the most effective way possible. This Crisis Protocol guides our actions when an emergency incident occurs, by ensuring we have provisions in place to alert the appropriate authorities and mitigate the threat posed by online violent extremist content.

Our Crisis Protocol is based on similar policies created by the UK Police and Home Office. We aim to keep our Crisis Protocol updated based on the development of the TCAP and aim to enhance the function of the TCAP as part of our crisis response workflow.

In the future, we aim to develop the TCAP alongside other crisis response workflows, ensuring that theoretical responses are backed by the technological ability to efficiently flag content for moderation.

You can find the full Crisis Protocol under the Policies tab at the top of our website.